Children & Youth

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Our mission is to equip children and youth to grow deep in their relationship with God and to lead their generation to Jesus. In order to accomplish our mission, we offer children and youth opportunities to be equipped with the life transforming message of the Gospel.

Vacation Bible School Summer 2024

We’re heading to Breaker Rock Beach! Join us July 22nd-26th from 9a-12p for a fun time of digging into God’s Word! This event is free for students 3 years old through 6th grade! Students will learn to recognize the difference between what the world says is true and what God says is true. Older than 6th grade? Sign up to volunteer!

Children's Church (3 years olds - entering 1st grade)
Children's Church (3 years olds - entering 1st grade)

Sundays from June 2nd through August 25th (no Children’s Church on July 7) we will be offering a special Children’s Church during the second service. Kids age 3 through 1st grade will be dismissed after opening worship time (teacher will guide them to the Fireside Room) and can be picked up by parents at the end of each service.

You can help! We are seeking four teachers to serve one time a month over the three months (three times total). Talk to Kristin Wolff for more details or to say YES to serving!

Preschool (3-5 year olds)

In our Preschool room, teachers introduce tools for learning that preschoolers can interact with to enhance development. The teachers also assist in the teaching of the weekly Biblical content where preschoolers are encouraged to explore new ideas, processes, and learning skills.

Elementary (1st - 6th Grade)

Each week, we strive to ensure that elementary students are engaged in Biblical Truth. Bible based videos, a Bible memory verse, and activities aid in teaching the weekly Biblical content, while teachers build relationships with children in order to help guide them towards growing their relationship with Jesus.

Confirmation (7th & 8th Grade)

The confirmation program at Emmaus runs two years from September to March, involving students in the 7th & 8th grades. Our course covers biblical Lutheran doctrine along with Christian Worldview study. Students will further their understanding of faith and life through this in-depth, classroom style course.

Youth (7th - 12th Grade)

In seeking to equip youth to grow deep in their relationship with God and to lead their generation to Jesus, we offer weekly programs and special events where youth can encounter the message of the Gospel and be equipped to apply it in their lives. Our prayer is that students would build genuine relationships with friends and mentors in the context where faith in Jesus is forged.