Do you need a break? Around here, we associate summer with a change in our schedules, vacations, and time away enjoying the good weather. Just like our weekends, summer means a change from the norm and, hopefully, a little bit of rest. We were created to rest.

Every 24-hour cycle, each week, each year we fit into our calendars time off, rest, and holidays. Adam was created on the sixth day and on the seventh God rested. The first full day in human history was spent in Sabbath rest with God. What does that say about the way we were created?

Jesus reminded His disciples in Mark 2:27, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” (NIV) Now the context here has to do with the Law. Also implied is the intention of Sabbath, given to us to strengthen our relationship with God. We are all in need of a break from things that distract us from our relationship with our Creator. 

Here are some helpful tips for you as we head into our summer schedule:

  1. Take inventory — Write out your weekly schedule for the summer. Now add to your calendar weekly Sabbath rest. Pre-plan a summer devotional. Set aside a regular appointment with God and follow it.
  2. Focus your Sabbath on rest not service — One day a week should be set aside for relationship and worship rather than service. God gave us six days a week to do ministry and to serve each other for His glory. Taking one day to rest is important for you and your relationship with God because you can’t pour out of an empty cup.
  3. Pray and prepare for Sabbath Remember there is an enemy who wants you to disregard the necessary rhythm of rest you must have in your life. Before your Sabbath, pray for protection and focus.
  4. Prioritize your time outside of your Sabbath rest If you are not prepared for worship you will not be focused. Write a list of your distractions so they can be addressed another day. There are too many things in this life that will get in the way if you do not prioritize your time.