Philippians 2:2 — “Complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.”
There’s a lot of advice out there these days speaking to the importance of our attitudes and mindsets. It’s likely well-intentioned guidance, but is it right? Is it consistent with what God’s Word says? You’ve heard the saying, “Attitude is everything”; but is it? Where does our ‘attitude’ come from? What does the Bible say about attitude? Make no mistake about it: the way we think, our frame of mind, is crucial to the manner in which we live.
So let me ask you, are there any mental habits and patterns that are detrimental to your life or your relationship with Jesus? Why is my mindset so critical to determining my attitude and therefore my actions? For example, I tend to think and deliberate on things I hear and see for a long period of time. If I hear of something that is happening in the world that is positive, I tend to be positive. However, as soon as the negativity creeps in, I tend to see the world as negative. Why do the media and the people around me have such a great influence on my attitude?
We read in Philippians 2:2 about having a godly mindset that leads us to see beyond circumstances, consistent with a heart filled with the Spirit of God, and overflowing with joy that comes from Him. It seems to me we need that mindset more than ever before. We live in complex and troubled times where what is “sure” seems to be in flux. I mean, truth and reality are being questioned. Every single day it seems I hear a story or read of a situation which leads me to say things like, “How did we get here? What is happening to the world right now?” How about you? Do you ever feel that way? Does it affect your mentality and your attitude and your relationship with those around you? I believe it does! So here is what the Apostle Paul writes to the church in Philippians 2:2, 27b — “Complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind…striving side by side for the faith of the gospel.”
Here we are reminded, just as Paul encourages the churches at Philippi, and us, to be joy-filled just like him, to be united in the gospel, not our circumstances. We are to join in his joy. We are to express his same outlook and attitude toward what God is doing in the world today.
Further, he says in Chapter 1:6, “He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it in the day of Christ Jesus.” What does this mean? It means that what we can be sure of in a world of insecurity is that God will complete the good that He started in the first place. It means that He will complete what He has started in each one of us personally: His gracious gift of mercy accomplished through His sacrifice for us. And His work continues to grow through a continual process moving on to maturity. It means that He will use anything and everything for His glory and final victory the day we stand before Him.
I hope you’ll join us for Sunday worship over the summer months, in person or online, as we continue our sermon series, “Get Your Mind Right” a study through the Book of Philippians. I think you would agree that we are all in need of some encouragement that steers our minds and hearts toward Jesus. He is the only one who can renew our minds and strengthen us to be joy filled, faithful, and true despite all that we are seeing in our world today. This is our hope, Jesus.